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RE: Disassemblers - Generate compiler code-x's source code?

At 06:23 PM 4/16/00, you wrote:
> >From what little I've seen, I'd be amaised if GMP4 code wasn't written in
>assmebler. My ECU's code looks far to efficient to have been written in C,
>Pascal, Fortran, (or Basic ha ha). I did hear a roumor about Fourth, but
>since the bits I've looked at are about as efficient as they can be, I just
>don't see how any high level language could have been used. If it was, then
>the compiler writer ought to work for Microsoft, and have a go at
>streamlining some of their bloatware.But I take the point about common 
>sequence recognition. I can believe that
>large sections of the code get reused in different bins. A simple example,
>the checksum routine - every ECU has it, and I'd be surprised if they sat
>down and re-wrote it specially for every implementation. Ditto for the ALDL
>comms stuff.

What I have seen on actual GM documents is that they have been using a 
"Modula compiler".  This is for C3 and was mid 80's... Not sure if that's 
true for the newer stuff or not.

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT@bellsouth.net
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