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Re: Hello

 I'm in, what is the base line linux that this project runs on ( so I can sync up with you)

Previously, you (Rodney Fulk) wrote:
{ A couple of us are looking into making a universal powerful tool under
{ Linux.
{ It would eventually allow ANYONE running Linux to scan their car as well as
{ program them if they have flash roms. (I foresee someone even allowing it to
{ modify images to be burned onto PROM chips when we get it going well.)
{ Theoretically the way its being done would allow ANY programmable or
{ scannable engine control system to be controlled or scanned under Linux. You
{ could even run more then one scanner at the same time to check for different
{ things.
{ The changing between cars theoretically should be as easy as changing to a
{ different printer under Windows.
{ Anyone interested in working on this project should contact me for details.
{ Once off the ground we will likely need some testers for them too.
{ Since it is intended to be a group designed project it should be free and
{ very powerful when finished.
{ Especially if you already have working code since reinventing the wheel is
{ never very exciting.
{ elixir@pathwaynet.com
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