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RE: First quote in on chip carriers (Ouch)

For the ESC you might get away with a few of those machined gold-contact "headers".  You can
usually get a line of them and cut off just one and solder it to your memcal.  I suppose you could
also solder in a regular wire-wrap socket where the ESC is, but pluggin and unpluggin is pretty
crummy with any ESC module.  I've gotta use needle-nose pliers.  I used a wirewrap 28pin DIP
socket for my eprom on my memcal.  It was way easier to solder in than a solder-tail one and I
wanted it to stick outta the ECM for easy eprom removal.

my $.019 worth


--- Mike Rolica <mrolica@meridian-mag.com> wrote:
> What are these things any way?? To bypass prom??on memcall and have
> removeable one??
> If so I made one las night out of an old prom carrier, cut out chip, put in
> a eprom socket from old mother board I had.....made from used parts...
> Gonna work on one tonight that I can swap the little chips too, and maybe an
> esc module...
> Mike Rolica
> Plant A,
> Magnesium Products Division
> Strathroy
> (519)-245-4040  Ext. 244
> 	-----Original Message-----
> 	From:	Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp@bright.net]
> 	Sent:	Wednesday, July 19, 2000 1:42 PM
> 	To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
> 	Subject:	Re: First quote in on chip carriers (Ouch)
> 	This really is sad.
> 	Couple months ago, I couldn't get an order together for 500 at a
> buck a
> 	piece to get in on getting the tooling remade.  Now, this.
> 	Looks like $3.50 was cheap, and they are gone.
> 	Oh well
> 	Grumpy
> 	>
> 	> I got a voice mail form the first of the distributors,
> 	> 2500 min buy at $5 apeice, unless the quotes get a lot better
> 	> I don't think a group buy is going to be a realistic option.
> 	> Sorry Mike D.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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