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Re: Mike V-> turbocharged z24 (was Re: 2.8v6 tpi a

GI spend winters on a list he's on.  I think it runs ok, but I haven't
talked tohim in a while.  I asked about the aftermarket 'puter, guess it
was easier to pay-n-play than try to learn gm-ese.
M>He actually had picture from the track, and
GM>no performance numbers...  Grrrr!! .. tease me..  
GM>Must not run well, eh?
GM>Mike V

GM>In a message dated 7/20/00 12:03:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
GM>shannen@grolen.com writes:

GM>> This car is not powered by a gm_ecm.
GM>>  http://members.tripod.com/TurboZ24/
GM>>  Shannen
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