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RE: 747 Rom Emulator / design

 Most cool!! I'm interested

Previously, you (Eric Aos) wrote:
{ I have designed one already, based on the discussion of this group from when
{ it first started. It uses DP Ram, and a PIC 16f877, Max 233, and few other
{ small parts. It will read a EPROM, and share the COM port with an onboard
{ ALDL monitor. It works with WinBin in a real time mode. It has worked on the
{ bench, and is only awaiting final proof in a real running car.
{ Eric
{ Here's a link to my web site.  Assuming it really works, and there is any
{ interest I'd be more than happy to put together a group buy.
{ http://www.spiritone.com/~eoa/Cars/EFI/Emulator.htm
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Pat Ford                           email: pford@qnx.com
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