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Re: Nitrous Explosion

Nope, the little guys claim various nationalities from time to time.  heck
they were even pro brits till that Falkland event.
   Wonder if EFI has hit the Faklands yet (efi content).
    Up until just the other day they wanted to register to vote in NY so
they could vote in the Senate races cause they wanted a certain gal to win,
but after seeing the ads, they figure she's a shoe in now.  (She's claiming
**her** health care bill was a good idea still).

> He he he he... makes no sense to me...repub??? Democrats??? President????
> Here is just liberal and conservative.......
> Canadian politics...eh ernst and pat???...
> Is ernst and pat the only other canuks on this list?
> Mike Rolica

> From: Don.F.Broadus@ucm.com [SMTP:Don.F.Broadus@ucm.com]
> It was just a joke !     you Democrats are so up tight , ...  sorry,
> I did
> it again,    this is a tuff room.  To show no hard feelings and to
> promise I
> won't engage in political humor I'll get back to DIF EFI.     take a
> look at
> Ebay item 390400796 1984 crossfire fuel injection complete  also
> vintage
> mechanical FI 1961 corvette item 390409294.. I will now lurk back in
> to the
> shadows.

> > From: Jeff Flanary [SMTP:jefff@mounet.com]
> > Please, i enjoy this list, keep the politics crap off of it.

> > From: <Don.F.Broadus@ucm.com>
> > > I agree this kind of stuff , wouldn't happen if we had
> republican in the
> > > white house.
> > > Liability laws ruin progress.