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Re: Archives

That's how I'm doing it now.  Just wish I'd started in 94..

| -> I have done this and don't see the need to 'strip' the header info
| -> from the messages.
|  The full headers can run 20 lines or more.  I strip everything except
| the poster's name, the list name, and the date.  Here's an entry from
| the DBfH:
|    O /
| (---X----[snip]------------------------------------------------)
|    O \
| Ludis Langens <ludis@cruzers.com>
| gmecm  16 May 1999
| - > For those that have seen the Fiero SD code and it's brother
|   >the 85 Mass code (they were backups to each other should one
|   >fail EPA certification), it is a beast like nothing else. Both
|   >the tables and the program are different. Maybe the Fiero
|   >follows some older C3 carb code, but I've never seen anything
|   >that compares.
| - The SyTy / Turbo Sunbird code appears to be derived from the
|   Fiero 6869/7170 speed-density code.  I haven't looked at the
|   SyTy code all that much, but every part I have looked at is
|   almost a line-by-line copy of the Fiero code.
| - In the backwards direction, the 6869 code is related to other
|   speed-density programs.  The 6864 4-cyl TBI has a lot in common
|   with the 6869.  Optimizations present in one but not the other
|   imply that the branch point is further back.  Perhaps the common
|   ancestor is all the way back at the (circa 1982) 5610 & 6026 ECMs.
|    O /
| (---X----[snip]------------------------------------------------)
|    O \
|  I don't have any use for subject lines, routing paths, X comments, etc.
| -> the messages.  An entire month archive put into the mail directory
| -> for Netscape (and I assume any decent mail reader) will work just as
|  I dump everything to a text file and use my editor to trim extraneous
| text, and I sometimes add comments to the ends of messages.  Everything
| is visible at once just by scrolling through the file; you can't do that
| with Netscape.
|  Then again, I do my mail a bit differently from other people...
