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Re: Archives

Bruce Plecan wrote:
> If you refer to them often, and carry a set around with you, you'd
> appreciate a smaller version.  about 2/3 of any given months mail is
> headers, and none efi related stuff.  2/3, 2/3s it's a waste of disc space
> in my mind.

I think it is a waste of space as well, but not enough for me to do
something about it that takes more than a couple of minutes.  Disk space
is a crapload cheaper than my time.

> Ya, fine, if your using things the same as you are, and understand what you
> just said.  HOWEVER not all of us are that talented.

Heh, well unfortunately I am not talented enough to do 99.99997% of the
things that go on in the EFI world.  I just happened to figure out how
mail readers work a few years ago so that I could sort and read messages
the way I like.  Not difficult at all.  Certainly takes less effort than
learning to read hex <G>.

Maybe I am missing something here.  It seems to me if you strip the
headers, then you are just left with a text file that reads like a
digest from the DIY list.  This is what I loathe.  It is the individual
messages that I am really after.  If this header stripping doesn't take
the info that a mail reader needs to break up messages, then I am all
for it.

Later dates.
Scott Knight  mailto:sknight@mich.com
http://www.mich.com/~sknight IRC:SS396man
'95 Black Impala SS
'94 Ducati 900SS CR