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Re: ECM Selection FAQ

Previously, you (Bruce Plecan) wrote:

{ My scanner took a dump but I could write it out for you

 I'll just look them up at this end ( thanks for the offer)
What app is it for? 

{ > BTW hows your health been?
{ Really well, turns out the heat effects me due to the drugs alot, and
{ humidity can be overwhelming, just have to use the A/C, is all, feel kinda
{ couped up at times, but that just cause of the memories of being forced into
{ it full time.

bummer but it beats having the O2 around doesn't it??

{  Down to like 50 pills a day, 

ouch how do you keep them straight??

{and just 14 prescriptions, which
{ is due to working so hard at PT I think.
{ Here's that bin.
{ Bruce
{   Let me know if ya need the pinout
{ >
{ > Previously, you (Bruce Plecan) wrote:
{ >
{ > { MY 87, Vin 1, 4 Cyl TBI, 1227730, BCC ADDT should be at the FTP, if not

Pat Ford                           email: pford@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.           WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931      (voice)         mail: 175 Terence Matthews          
(613) 591-3579      (fax)                 Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

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